smithmf879: Greetings from DC! Wish you were here!
smithmf879: Uploaded - 10\25\08-1
smithmf879: Don't mess with Sasquatch
smithmf879: Uploaded - 10\25\08-3
smithmf879: No...we didn't eat here. Mike needed pasta.
smithmf879: Mike @ Hudson Trail Outfitters
smithmf879: Handbike racer!!
smithmf879: Mike in the Metro tunnel
smithmf879: Mike, just past mile 19 of MCM
smithmf879: No BQ, but a new PR!!!
smithmf879: Which way to the stadium??
smithmf879: Do you know how to get to the stadium??
smithmf879: Go Team TAPS!
smithmf879: Mike's race singlet
smithmf879: Team TAPS
smithmf879: Team TAPS
smithmf879: Sunrise over DC
smithmf879: Water Buffalo
smithmf879: Still no runners...
smithmf879: Self-portrait while we waited for the runners at about 1.2 miles
smithmf879: Wheelchair racer
smithmf879: ....and they just kept coming!
smithmf879: Abby doing her thing...GO TEAM!!
smithmf879: Handbike racer!!
smithmf879: DC's finest
smithmf879: Mike and Barb at the TAPS tent
smithmf879: We were on our way back to the train, and the sea of runners continue!
smithmf879: Yuck....
smithmf879: I see you standing there with that Ol' Black Toe, I fall in love again.....
smithmf879: BAB (Big Arse Blister)