smithco: sushi
smithco: Globe Flower
smithco: Stonefly
smithco: lemon meringue pie
smithco: Aster
smithco: The Turkish Dancer
smithco: The Hagia Sophia
smithco: Mini Daffodil - Cross-Section at Side View
smithco: Sweet William
smithco: Gopher Curler
smithco: A Fuzzy Bee
smithco: An Island in Upper Kanaskis Lake
smithco: Russian Dolls
smithco: photograph
smithco: A chess game on a Sunday afternoon
smithco: Iris Petals
smithco: Gargoyle
smithco: Morning Glory in Profile
smithco: Pink Flamingos
smithco: Tiger Stripes
smithco: Shimmering Blue
smithco: Snake!
smithco: Little Purple Snapdragon
smithco: Walter Scott with a Pigeon
smithco: Spider Web
smithco: Swans
smithco: The Tomb of St. Mungo
smithco: Wild Flowers
smithco: Crab Apples
smithco: A Flower at Edinburgh Castle