Smitcraft: New Smitcraft Display at HomeGrown Decatur
Smitcraft: I swear I'm quilting this and not napping. SWEAR.
Smitcraft: Today's ToDo list just keeps growing...
Smitcraft: I'm ready for my first Second Saturday at Spruill Gallery!
Smitcraft: Holiday II is finally complete!
Smitcraft: Holiday II - shaping up to be one of the longest burnings ever.
Smitcraft: "Almond Blossom" before a few finishing touches. Almond trees flower before they leaf out.
Smitcraft: My outlines as shown through a piece of tracing paper for "Almond Blossom"
Smitcraft: "Holiday II", a work in progress.
Smitcraft: The 2012 Skateraid piece is almost complete!
Smitcraft: It's skateboard time again... but now for something a little different.
Smitcraft: New framed prints now available
Smitcraft: "Gevalux 144"
Smitcraft: Working on a custom glasses-on-a-stick order for Leah and Mark Photography.
Smitcraft: BrokenFemur_front
Smitcraft: LWABN_frontb
Smitcraft: LumbarVertebra_front
Smitcraft: SchoolMaster_front
Smitcraft: Super8Bolex_Front
Smitcraft: Yashica_D_front
Smitcraft: RangeFinder_I_frontb
Smitcraft: IMG_3414
Smitcraft: "Peach Blossom" will be sealed and at HomeGrown Decatur tomorrow. <<fingers crossed>>
Smitcraft: Brand spanking new earring shapes about to have a date with the drill press...
Smitcraft: "Durax Semi-Pearl" is complete. Sealant is next.
Smitcraft: The beginnings of "Durax Semi-Pearl"
Smitcraft: "Yashica-D" just needs sealant, then she's done. Whew!
Smitcraft: "Yashica - D" 6.5 hours in... this one's a doozy.
Smitcraft: Preliminary drawing for "Yashica-D"
Smitcraft: "Range Finder I"