digitaleus: The boys in black
digitaleus: Chris Steenhof
digitaleus: Casey Minnee
digitaleus: The girls in green
digitaleus: Father of the bride
digitaleus: Casey again
digitaleus: Tom Minnee
digitaleus: Wedding vows...
digitaleus: Ring a ring a rosie
digitaleus: A pocket full of posies
digitaleus: Obviously a happy boy
digitaleus: Prayer for the new couple
digitaleus: Obviously a happy girl
digitaleus: Standing around
digitaleus: Standing around some more
digitaleus: PASHING!
digitaleus: IMG_3028_1
digitaleus: Well, I think this one's cute.
digitaleus: The boys return
digitaleus: IMG_3034.JPG
digitaleus: I wrote a song, I wrote a song for you...
digitaleus: Booyah!
digitaleus: John couldn't miss out on the action.