Katy Wrathall: Construction
Katy Wrathall: After you
Katy Wrathall: Grumpy face
Katy Wrathall: Pedicure needed
Katy Wrathall: In step
Katy Wrathall: Napping
Katy Wrathall: Periscoping
Katy Wrathall: Shapes
Katy Wrathall: Whiskers
Katy Wrathall: Barking
Katy Wrathall: Snoozing on high
Katy Wrathall: Red Panda puzzle
Katy Wrathall: Bad hair day
Katy Wrathall: Grooming
Katy Wrathall: Family
Katy Wrathall: Swan and cygnets
Katy Wrathall: Distant tiger
Katy Wrathall: Giraffe face
Katy Wrathall: Kafue Flats Lechwe
Katy Wrathall: Modelling markings
Katy Wrathall: Elegant sweep of horns
Katy Wrathall: Black Rhinoceros
Katy Wrathall: This is not the lemur we were looking for
Katy Wrathall: Opportunism
Katy Wrathall: Just chilling
Katy Wrathall: Standing room
Katy Wrathall: Foolhardy gull
Katy Wrathall: Patiently waiting
Katy Wrathall: Lunch