Katy Wrathall: Autumn
Katy Wrathall: Offering for the birds
Katy Wrathall: Once were petals
Katy Wrathall: Shaker
Katy Wrathall: Poppy heads
Katy Wrathall: After the first bloom has gone
Katy Wrathall: Blowsy rose
Katy Wrathall: Clematis seedhead
Katy Wrathall: Fennel seed
Katy Wrathall: Failed launch
Katy Wrathall: Propagation method
Katy Wrathall: Gossips
Katy Wrathall: Beautiful dead head
Katy Wrathall: Sanctuary
Katy Wrathall: Autumn arrives
Katy Wrathall: Spinner
Katy Wrathall: Autumn's tiny dancers
Katy Wrathall: Hipsters
Katy Wrathall: Crab apple bough
Katy Wrathall: Shining honesty in a dirty world
Katy Wrathall: The cyclamen return
Katy Wrathall: Life of a rose
Katy Wrathall: Time to fly
Katy Wrathall: Pidgewodge
Katy Wrathall: Homecoming
Katy Wrathall: Joyous return
Katy Wrathall: Cliche
Katy Wrathall: Gather ye rosebuds
Katy Wrathall: Sky wide
Katy Wrathall: Colours of the season