smiller555: where i'm sitting right now.
smiller555: cord insanity
smiller555: the bedroom and office
smiller555: the kitchen
smiller555: i'm staying upstairs
smiller555: the view from my front yard
smiller555: distrustful horse
smiller555: horse mouth
smiller555: and the sea gave up the dead.
smiller555: oysterville graveyard
smiller555: chicken coop action.
smiller555: very tall trees
smiller555: tall grass
smiller555: golden trees
smiller555: oysterville sloughs wallpaper
smiller555: oysterville_0246-widescreen.jpg
smiller555: oysterville_0190.jpg
smiller555: the honeymoon shack
smiller555: if this mule was a car...
smiller555: wakin' up from a nap
smiller555: manny makes a discovery
smiller555: seaweed whipping contest
smiller555: looking into their pioneer future...
smiller555: me n' BQ
smiller555: me n' Manny
smiller555: Dead Man's Cove
smiller555: the sloughs
smiller555: little puffy clouds
smiller555: another clichéd beach shot
smiller555: late afternoon at the beach