Smiley Man with a Hat: California Entrance
Smiley Man with a Hat: Disney's California Dreamin
Smiley Man with a Hat: The Sorcerer's Apprentice at the Gates
Smiley Man with a Hat: Train of "Engine-Ears Toys"
Smiley Man with a Hat: California Zephyr
Smiley Man with a Hat: California Zephyr
Smiley Man with a Hat: Sunshine Plaza
Smiley Man with a Hat: GRR - Grizzly River Rafting Co.
Smiley Man with a Hat: Baker's Field Bakery amidst other attractions
Smiley Man with a Hat: California Zephyr
Smiley Man with a Hat: Red Bridge Tower
Smiley Man with a Hat: California Zephyr (Silver Crescent)
Smiley Man with a Hat: Wooden Beams
Smiley Man with a Hat: Hollywood Pictures Backlot
Smiley Man with a Hat: Hollywood Pictures Backlot
Smiley Man with a Hat: The Hollywood Tower Hotel
Smiley Man with a Hat: Dial M for Muscle
Smiley Man with a Hat: Muppet 3D Vision
Smiley Man with a Hat: Mickey presents Monsters Inc.
Smiley Man with a Hat: Mickey presents ....
Smiley Man with a Hat: Hollywood Pictures Backlot Stage
Smiley Man with a Hat: Hollywood Backlot Stage
Smiley Man with a Hat: A performance at the Hollywood Backlot Stage
Smiley Man with a Hat: The Mickey Mouse Way
Smiley Man with a Hat: Mickeys, Minnies, and some Donalds
Smiley Man with a Hat: Kermit The Frog
Smiley Man with a Hat: Swirling Toy Story
Smiley Man with a Hat: Which one is Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and Jess?
Smiley Man with a Hat: Walt Disney Presents B O L T !!!