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Old Church, Bonchurch. I. O.W.
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Rocks and the waves.
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View from inside Old Church, Bonchurch. I.O.W.
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View of Ventnor Bay, I.O.W.
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Returning home!!
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Old Diving Boots
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Diving helmets are not like they used to be!
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Carisbrooke Castle, I.O.W
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English Heritage Flag
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Alum Bay, I.O.W
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The Needles, I.O.W
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Male Chalkhill Blue Butterfly
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Chalkhill Blue Butterflies.
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Freshwater Bay I.O.W
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Freshwater Bay I.O.W
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Yarmouth old railway station
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Whitelink new ferry docking at Yarmouth
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Ventnor Bay, I.O.W.
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Glanville Fritillary
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Glanville Fritillary
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Ignore him my dear, perhaps he will go away!
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Compton Bay, I.O.W
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On the Cliff Edge
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Harlequin Ladybird
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Cygnets Preening
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Yellow or sometimes called Golden Dung Fly
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Rose Chafer (Gnorimus nobilis)
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Young Moorhen.
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Down in the grass
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Marbled White Butterfly (male)