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The grand opening of a blue Geranium.
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A stem of a lavender plant in bud
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Unfolding bud of a pink Geranium
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Dandelion seed
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Heath spotted orchid
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Bog Asphodel
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A Vinca
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The unravelling of new buds from a bottle brush plant.
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Blue Geranium
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White flower
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Flower with bee
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Beautiful Leaves
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Beautiful Snowdrops
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Green Alkanet
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Lesser Reedmace
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Wild Stinking Iris (Iris foetidissima)
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Wild Small Restharrow
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Early morning dew
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Wild rose
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Common Spotted Orchid
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Pyramidal Orchid
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Just leaves
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Gorse taken on Hengisbury Head, Dorset.
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Wild Lesser Stitchwort.
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Wild Narrow-leaved Lungwort (Pulmonaria longifolia)