vivienne*: 姿勢細微而有力地生長,並蔓延 896420
vivienne*: 之一 01年生的孩子在凝視 Gaze of a child
vivienne*: 之二.88年生的一對小情人 Couples
vivienne*: 是希望 Children is hope
vivienne*: 聞出芳香了嗎 Smells good?
vivienne*: 每一個十五萬分之一 Lit up hope
vivienne*: 記下星點點 Witness
vivienne*: 那一晚 After June Forth Candle Night Vigil
vivienne*: 二十年前 Newspaper Clipping - 4th Jun, 1989
vivienne*: 那片黑 Behind a black veil
vivienne*: Where's the exit? What's next?
vivienne*: Tanks
vivienne*: 數字之傷 Wounds of numbers
vivienne*: 在自由的翅膀下 Beneath the wings of Freedom Fighter
vivienne*: 荒誕感 Absurdity
vivienne*: 無聲之夜中誦詩 We read and chant for the lost lives
vivienne*: 白色的花,給紅色的日子 Tribute to a day in Red
vivienne*: 身體,在幽暗匍匐 Creep into internal darkness
vivienne*: VIIV . 20 years after the June Fourth Masscare (Tianamen Square Masscare)
vivienne*: VIIV
vivienne*: Against Forgetfulness
vivienne*: 必須的正義 May Justice Prevails
vivienne*: Reading a letter from a daugther
vivienne*: Annual Soul Searching
vivienne*: Vincent in action
vivienne*: In Pursuit of Love and Freedom
vivienne*: Candles ready for 150,000 people
vivienne*: Poetry Collection for Tiananmen Massarce
vivienne*: Democracy
vivienne*: Fight for Justice, for those who fight at cost of their life