smileshiner72: Bowling
smileshiner72: Zucchini & squash pins
smileshiner72: Setting up the pins
smileshiner72: Zucchini bowling
smileshiner72: Zucchini bowling
smileshiner72: Farmhouse
smileshiner72: Introductions
smileshiner72: Our ride out to the fields
smileshiner72: Greg the Farmer
smileshiner72: Talking about the tractor
smileshiner72: Herbs & New Things
smileshiner72: Talking about popcorn
smileshiner72: Potato Picker
smileshiner72: Foot of a Farmer
smileshiner72: On the Tractor
smileshiner72: Talking about Corn
smileshiner72: Corn / Electric Fence
smileshiner72: New Potato Plant
smileshiner72: New Potato Plant
smileshiner72: Tractor Ride
smileshiner72: Look! A Radish!
smileshiner72: Weeding Peppers
smileshiner72: Weeding Peppers
smileshiner72: Potluck Lunch
smileshiner72: Farmer for a Day Feet
smileshiner72: After Party
smileshiner72: Bee Hives