Monica and Scott: After a long delay in Chicago, we have arrived at JFK! Ready to have some fun!
Monica and Scott: Our teeny tiny room at Pod51.
Monica and Scott: Our sink. Shared bathrooms are down the hall.
Monica and Scott: Our first stop.
Monica and Scott: Hookah Bar
Monica and Scott: Republic of Equatorial New Guinea
Monica and Scott: The steepest subway escalator I've ever been on. I had a hard time taking the picture cause I had to really hang on.
Monica and Scott: Not quite U2, but he was good.
Monica and Scott: Garment District
Monica and Scott: Garment District.
Monica and Scott: A highlight of the trip for me!
Monica and Scott: The Batmobile Fire Truck
Monica and Scott: NYFD Engine Company 26
Monica and Scott: A future silk scarf for me!
Monica and Scott: Button overload.
Monica and Scott: Fabric overload.
Monica and Scott: Swatch. Sadly he was not there the day we visited.
Monica and Scott: Nighttime Pod 51
Monica and Scott: We did stop here and have dessert.
Monica and Scott: Fresh fruits and veggies everywhere.