Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Meet the Author: Mindy McGinnis is coming to the library!
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: National Library Week program
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Author Mindy McGinnis talks about her book Not a Drop To Drink
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: National Library Week decor
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Talking about the dream that led to writing her first published novel
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Author McGinnis presents
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Showing the book trailer for Not a Drop to Drink
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: The author regales her audience
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Mindy reveals cool secrets about her book's cover model
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Autograph line for author McGinnis
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: The author signs books
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Meeting author Mindy McGinnis
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Getting an autograph from author Mindy McGinnis
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: talking to author Mindy McGinnis after her presenation
Stow-Munroe Falls Public LibraryOH: Author Mindy McGinnis with the teen librarian