times_like_these: Raindrops on my car
times_like_these: Finding its way through
times_like_these: Flower in his hand
times_like_these: Windcatcher in the sun
times_like_these: Reaching for the sun
times_like_these: Into the fire
times_like_these: Inside the fire
times_like_these: Forever in our minds...
times_like_these: Closer to the edge
times_like_these: Autumn Fence
times_like_these: Do you believe in magic?
times_like_these: Caught in a barbed wire
times_like_these: Caught in a spiders web
times_like_these: Moving Lights
times_like_these: And the snow started melting...
times_like_these: Snowflakes are kisses from heaven
times_like_these: Something magical in an unexpected place
times_like_these: The rainy days aren't over...
times_like_these: Simplicity at sunset
times_like_these: Birds are leaving over here
times_like_these: Rainbow Water
times_like_these: There is a garden in every childhood
times_like_these: Holding The Sun
times_like_these: Pretty bubbles in the air
times_like_these: Pukkelpop 2012
times_like_these: Elephant Parade
times_like_these: I ♥ summer!
times_like_these: Hell of a bus ride
times_like_these: Curtains of raindrops falling
times_like_these: Black & White Shimmer