thesurealist: Self portrait #recycled #365me #oldie
thesurealist: Self portrait #365me
thesurealist: Self portrait #365me #blue #green
thesurealist: Self portrait #365me #december
thesurealist: Self portrait #365me
thesurealist: The #dog and I
thesurealist: Moi #selfportrait #365me
thesurealist: Multicoloured #selfportrait #365me
thesurealist: Seeing stars #multilayer #percolator #photosplit #selfportrait #365me
thesurealist: In recovery #selfportrait #365me #warmneck
thesurealist: Haggard lurgy look :/ #selfportrait #365me #ifeelyuk
thesurealist: 40R3V3R 4R33 #selfportrait #youcannotbarcodeme #free
thesurealist: Self portrait #365ME
thesurealist: Hat with ear flaps #warmhead #handmade
thesurealist: The girl and I
thesurealist: Winter hat #lastyear #handmade #warmhead
thesurealist: Hat in the make or not to make ear flaps...?
thesurealist: Today #365ME
thesurealist: Just me #365ME
thesurealist: Reflection #365me
thesurealist: Me #365me
thesurealist: Eyetrait #365me
thesurealist: Big head #365ME
thesurealist: Bubbly #365ME
thesurealist: Bubbly
thesurealist: In yer face
thesurealist: Flared nostrils
thesurealist: Family
thesurealist: Small Me 1970s
thesurealist: Another one from 1986 C had hair!!!