smashz: Triage
smashz: What goes where?
smashz: Don't make me use this
smashz: Before the erection
smashz: Putting the wall together
smashz: Arewereally spots a problem
smashz: Make my day
smashz: Fastenating
smashz: _MG_0609Laying out the braces
smashz: How did you get that hernia?
smashz: Putting the wall together
smashz: Wall
smashz: So the wall won't fall down
smashz: Wall support
smashz: Wall support
smashz: Drill
smashz: Nom nom nom
smashz: Loops
smashz: Cutting the sign
smashz: Sign assembly
smashz: Loopy
smashz: Sign up
smashz: yrellaG gnitoohS reworhtemalF
smashz: Holding
smashz: Is it straight?
smashz: Flamethrower Shooting Gallery
smashz: So the fire won't burn down the railroad
smashz: Finishing
smashz: Union-mandated break