smashz: mondrian
smashz: To Be Looked at (from the Other Side of the Glass) with One Eye, Close To, for Almost an Hour
smashz: Flag of the nation of Sidewalk
smashz: That's me all over
smashz: Twins
smashz: Warrior and me
smashz: George Eastman Horse
smashz: Three
smashz: Palace of Legion of Honor
smashz: Jell-o Town Marina
smashz: Boats & lights
smashz: Exploratorium & Palace of Fine Arts
smashz: Exploratorium & Palace of Fine Arts
smashz: fog
smashz: 8 air7
smashz: Double Rainbow
smashz: Light test
smashz: Rainbow
smashz: Dust storm during the art tour
smashz: IMG_8146
smashz: Crude Awakening, or Hope, Future, and Dust
smashz: art10
smashz: art02
smashz: art07
smashz: art15
smashz: art05
smashz: crude09
smashz: Cubatron
smashz: crude01
smashz: crude14