smashred: Massi and Ashley
smashred: The break
smashred: Echelon
smashred: The field hits the dirt
smashred: Andy Schleck and friends
smashred: Approaching
smashred: Field
smashred: DSC_9780-2
smashred: Specks
smashred: Off into the distance
smashred: Open road
smashred: Silhouettes
smashred: The break approaches
smashred: Saramotins goes down
smashred: Saramotins on the ground
smashred: Saramotins gets a push
smashred: Saramotins rides back up to the break
smashred: Photographers
smashred: Windy
smashred: DSC_8747-Edit
smashred: DSC_8754
smashred: The break on Monte Sante Marie
smashred: Here they come!
smashred: Here comes Flecha
smashred: Flecha's attack
smashred: Farrar hurts
smashred: DSC_9886-2
smashred: Hurt
smashred: Round the bend
smashred: DSC_9918