smashred: DSC_3495
smashred: DSC_3497
smashred: DSC_3505
smashred: DSC_3506
smashred: A Hole In The Glass
smashred: DSC_3524
smashred: DSC_3526
smashred: DSC_3528
smashred: DSC_3540
smashred: DSC_3548
smashred: Light In The Dark
smashred: DSC_3556
smashred: DSC_3557
smashred: DSC_3559
smashred: DSC_3565
smashred: DSC_3579
smashred: DSC_3584
smashred: DSC_3600
smashred: A Quiet Crawfish Stand
smashred: DSC_3619
smashred: Window Shadow
smashred: DSC_3623
smashred: Dancing Shadow
smashred: Leaving
smashred: DSC_3644
smashred: Leaving It Alone
smashred: Resting
smashred: Banks Of The Ouachita