scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 002 Toronto YYZ Pearson Terminal 3
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 002a AA1259 YYZ to DFW
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 006 AA1259 YYZ to DFW
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 007 DFW Airport
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 008 DFW Airport
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 010 DFW Airport
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 011 DFW Airport
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 012 DFW Airport
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 013 DFW Airport
scott_in_YYZ: 20171121 017 DFW Airport
scott_in_YYZ: 20171122 002 Turkey Roasting
scott_in_YYZ: 20171122 003 Burien rainbow
scott_in_YYZ: 20171123 050 Thanksgiving
scott_in_YYZ: 20171123 058 Thanksgiving
scott_in_YYZ: 20171123 059 Thanksgiving
scott_in_YYZ: 20171124 002 Seattle Elliot Bay-Pano
scott_in_YYZ: 20171124 002 Seattle Elliot Bay
scott_in_YYZ: 20171124 003 Seattle Elliot Bay
scott_in_YYZ: 20171124 004 Seattle Elliot Bay
scott_in_YYZ: 20171124 005 Seattle Elliot Bay
scott_in_YYZ: 20171124 006 Frozen Plums
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 002 Seattle Pike Place Market
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 005 Seattle
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 007 Seattle Amazon Spheres
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 008 Seattle Amazon Spheres
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 011 Seattle Space Needle
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 012 Seattle Amazon Spheres
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 014 Seattle Amazon Spheres
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 016 Seattle Amazon Spheres
scott_in_YYZ: 20171125 017 Seattle Amazon Spheres