scott_in_YYZ: 20151122 001 Toronto 1st snowfall
scott_in_YYZ: 20151124 001 IAD Dulles
scott_in_YYZ: 20151124 003 IAD Dulles
scott_in_YYZ: 20151124 004 SeaTac Intnl Arrivals South
scott_in_YYZ: 20151124 006 SeaTac Intnl Arrivals South
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 001 Seattle Pike Place Market
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 002 Seattle Pike Place Market
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 004 Seattle Pike Place Market
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 005 Seattle Pike Place Market
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 008 Seattle Denny Regrade
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 013 Seattle from Pike Place Mkt
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 017 Seattle from Pike Place Mkt
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 018 Seattle from Pike Place Mkt
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 019 Seattle from Pike Place Mkt
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 020 Seattle art
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 022 Seattle art
scott_in_YYZ: 20151125 024 Seattle art
scott_in_YYZ: 20151126 004 Thanksgiving and family
scott_in_YYZ: 20151126 005 Thanksgiving and family
scott_in_YYZ: 20151126 016 Thanksgiving and family
scott_in_YYZ: 20151126 018 Thanksgiving and family
scott_in_YYZ: 20151126 025 Thanksgiving and family
scott_in_YYZ: 20151126 026 Thanksgiving and Macy
scott_in_YYZ: 20151127 001 Elliot Bay Brewing
scott_in_YYZ: 20151130 002 Dinner
scott_in_YYZ: 20151201 001 SEA Seattle Tacoma International
scott_in_YYZ: 20151201 004 SEA Seattle Tacoma International
scott_in_YYZ: 20151201 005 SEA Seattle Tacoma International
scott_in_YYZ: 20151201 008 SEA Seattle Tacoma International
scott_in_YYZ: 20151201 009 SEA Seattle Tacoma International