smarty-1: Pozzato
smarty-1: Sastre (and my daughter)
smarty-1: Tommy Voekler
smarty-1: Fabio
smarty-1: vive le tour
smarty-1: Flags
smarty-1: Sprint zone
smarty-1: Livestong messages painted on the road
smarty-1: Didi
smarty-1: lots of fans
smarty-1: 1 km
smarty-1: all set up and ready for lunch
smarty-1: Canada!
smarty-1: Popo and Ryder
smarty-1: road melon
smarty-1: chalk
smarty-1: Allez!
smarty-1: Tamara and Rachel
smarty-1: reading a book while waiting for bicycles
smarty-1: Allez!
smarty-1: our spot
smarty-1: relaxing and waiting
smarty-1: taking a walk
smarty-1: chillin'
smarty-1: Caravan begins
smarty-1: Bbox
smarty-1: Donnez moi un chapeau!
smarty-1: polka dots
smarty-1: caravan
smarty-1: swag