smartleeshore: Hey... How are you ?
smartleeshore: sunburnt days 02
smartleeshore: 3:00 pm Columbia U
smartleeshore: Park that is Central
smartleeshore: as if silent and absent
smartleeshore: 那些奔放而散乱的花...
smartleeshore: Tell me goodbye
smartleeshore: Give me a kiss before you...
smartleeshore: and Give me a sigh
smartleeshore: Give me a whisper...
smartleeshore: If you want me
smartleeshore: Are you really here
smartleeshore: I can hardly remember your face anymore
smartleeshore: When I get really lonely
smartleeshore: I think of you smiling
smartleeshore: 给我一朵花开的时间.
smartleeshore: Sheer Simplicity
smartleeshore: Sheer Simplicity
smartleeshore: Sheer Simplicity
smartleeshore: She's The One
smartleeshore: STAY AWAKE
smartleeshore: May 11th, Mother's Day
smartleeshore: Summer Days In Bloom
smartleeshore: Everything's Perfect
smartleeshore: They died, as they've never been loved
smartleeshore: My Favorite Game
smartleeshore: Today is a gift?