just before first trip to the local greasy spoon
Nana and Grandpa with Daddy and Gracie
Nana and Grandpa with Daddy and Gracie
sleeping blissfully through the sound of cheesy pop music in the cafe
holding on to Daddy's finger
a secure place to be
ooh those kissable cheeks
the Simon Cowell look
practising a smile...
Grandma Maureen and Gracie
Grandma Maureen and Gracie
Grandma Maureen and Gracie
bath time
happy Daddy
not sure about this thing called 'bath time'
nope, I really don't like it
waah waah waah
sleep to forget about it
sleep to forget about it
Grandma Maureen and Gracie
Grandma Maureen and Gracie
Grandma Maureen and Gracie
bouncy chair
bouncy chair
cleverly placed blanket sorts out that wobbly head
Daddy and Gracie
Daddy and Gracie