Val, Steph, Mich
rollercoaster (they're in the back car)
rollercoaster (they're in the back car)
rollercoaster (they're in the back car)
relief that it's over
Mich listening intently to Shelley
Jude and Sally
Petra and Mich
Steph and Val
Shelley and Sarah
Rachel and Sarah
Mich looking at her book
Mich looking at her book
Rachel, Shelley, Jude, and Sarah
Sally, Petra, and Steph
Mich, Caroline, and Clare listening to Sharon
Sharon and Val
Steph and Mich
Steph and Mich
Val and Rachel
Val and Rachel
the inevitable penis straw (and a mojito)
Bride-to-be and lilies
shot glasses
sweet personalised candles which Steph gave us all
me and Sarah
me and Sarah
Clare, me, and Sarah