**Lucia**: Julie doing Claire's ringlets
**Lucia**: Charlotte painting her nails
**Lucia**: Matt photographing the flowers
**Lucia**: Bridesmaids' posies
**Lucia**: Claire's bouquet
**Lucia**: Claire's bouquet
**Lucia**: Buttonhole
**Lucia**: The lonely cheesecake
**Lucia**: Oh for a piece of it now...
**Lucia**: Claire and Sam
**Lucia**: Four out of five of us
**Lucia**: Katie and me
**Lucia**: Keith and Claire
**Lucia**: Katie and me
**Lucia**: Claire and Ade
**Lucia**: Afterwards outside the church
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Throwing the confetti
**Lucia**: Leaving the church
**Lucia**: Leaving the church
**Lucia**: Beautiful Bentley
**Lucia**: Claire and Ade
**Lucia**: Michelle and me