small favor: My magnolia, splotches and all #watercolor #annamasonart
small favor: Goofing around while waiting for my masking fluid to dry. I like the little koi head peeking out at the top. #watercolor
small favor: I have been painting, but I haven't been posting. Here's an exercise I finished up tonight -- water droplets on a petal. I only learned two things: water droplets are tricky, and even the heavy Arches paper can only take so much. #annamasonart #watercolor
small favor: Greater Reston Arts Center
small favor: A better picture of my blueberry #watercolor #annamasonart
small favor: Blueberry painting today. It's much harder to work with just one color! #annamasonart #watercolor
small favor: I stayed up late last night to practice painting with a class by #annamasonart I definitely made some mistakes, but it was a lot of fun to try out her technique. #watercolor
small favor: Barcelona Reston
small favor: Last shop window sketch for awhile...
small favor: Sketch at Reston Town Center -- shop windows
small favor: Today I sketched a shop window with muscley mannequins in action poses. #watercolor #urbansketching #Reston
small favor: Another shop window today. Working out done frustration with jumpy lines and bright colors. #watercolor #urbansketching
small favor: Trying out a new style today: loose and gestural, with just a few dabs of color. Not sure what I think of it yet. #urbansketching #watercolor
small favor: J. Crew line-up #watercolor #urbansketching
small favor: A street in Reston Town Center. I was using mostly mixes of windsor blue and red with yellow ochre, but I think I should have used a lemon yellow. The ochre makes it a little gloomy. #watercolor #urbansketching
small favor: A quick sketch of a shop window today. #watercolor #urbansketching
small favor: Yesterday's sketch -- my first time trying to paint water in a fountain. It's hard! #urbansketching #watercolor
small favor: Practicing sketching what I see -- it's pretty fun, if you don't care what it looks like.
small favor: Trying out ink wash again today. Such a crazy medium -- I'm still not used to it yet!
small favor: First time doing an ink wash drawing. Wow, what a weird medium! #sketch #inkwash
small favor: Nighttime walk with the dogs. Every time I stopped to draw something for more than ten seconds, they refused to budge even though Bill was trying to walk ahead with them. So this is what you get.
small favor: Color wheels -- as close to fingerprinting as you can get, while still feeling like an adult.
small favor: At the folklife festival on the mall today. #sketch
small favor: Today I painted the Reston Hyatt for some reason. Art! #urbansketching #watercolor #sketch
small favor: A quick painting of a bus stop near my house before the rain hit. #watercolor #urbansketching
small favor: A particularly slapdash painting of the local movie theater today #sketch #watercolor #urbansketching
small favor: A quick cafe sketch this morning. #urbansketching #watercolor #sketch
small favor: Doodling in the park today, while waiting for Bill and the dogs to meet me and eavesdropping on a very angry phone conversation. #watercolor #urbansketching
small favor: Barcelona Reston tonight --
small favor: I love J Crew's crazy ideas of fashion, so I painted some shop windows today. #urbansketching #watercolor