smallcurio: "Yuma and the Lower Colorado River," Arizona Wildlife-Sportsman: The Magazine with the Maps (December, 1959)
smallcurio: Dias de campo en Xochimilco; marimbas adornadas canoas, mole de Guajolote
smallcurio: The new Goodrich Safety Silvertown - Going To The Fair?
smallcurio: Bungalow Row, Glimpse of Bedroom (Hotel de la Selva, Cuernavaca, México)
smallcurio: Restaurant La Gruta, Piramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico
smallcurio: Above all -- I want you for my valentine!
smallcurio: Acapulco ... El Unico Servicio Directo A Solo 60 Minutes De La Capital Por: Aeronaves De Mexico, S. A. Av. Juarez No. 30 Telefono 10-41-12 Mexico, D. F.
smallcurio: L. C. Smith
smallcurio: Paper frame
smallcurio: The Adding and Subtracting Typewriter Is the Model 11 Remington
smallcurio: Redeemable only by the person to whom originally issued
smallcurio: Xochimilco
smallcurio: Panoramas de Mexico: Envases Aztlan, S. A.
smallcurio: Compliments of the American Machine Co., Philada.
smallcurio: Monterrey
smallcurio: Panoramas de Mexico: XXX es Cerveza Moctezuma & Lito Offset Latina S. A.
smallcurio: Stories of Adventure, Current Events, History and Biography, Science and Art, Poetry, Travel.
smallcurio: J. & P. Coats' Needle and Thread Numbers.
smallcurio: Daylight Kodachrome Safety Color Film [verso]
smallcurio: Mrs. R. B. Durbin.
smallcurio: Boulder Dam and Appurtenant Works: Plan, Longitudinal Section
smallcurio: Are You Sure that the Paper You Buy for Business Stationery is the Best at Its Price?
smallcurio: Paper frame
smallcurio: Record Album
smallcurio: May I be permitted the blissful pleasure of escorting you home this evening?
smallcurio: His Master's Voice
smallcurio: Identification Card.
smallcurio: Border
smallcurio: Lime, Its many uses: Hydrated Austin White Lime, Austin White Lime Co., Austin, Texas.