slywy: South of Promontory Point at sunset
slywy: Stormy weather north of the Flamingo
slywy: Promontory Point, Hyde Park, Chicago
slywy: Wind and snow at Promontory Point
slywy: Nepal
slywy: changing
slywy: booth
slywy: rosenheim1997
slywy: rosenheim1996
slywy: moonbeam-clock(1)
slywy: moonbeam-clock
slywy: Midnight coffee at Hyatt party
slywy: Geese off Kennedy Expressway
slywy: Peter and Heloise
slywy: Waiting for bus
slywy: Home with Hodge
slywy: Flowers for me with Hodge
slywy: Hodge with Puppet Bike coloring
slywy: DSCF2005
slywy: Looptopia with PuppetBike
slywy: DianePencil
slywy: DSCN4232
slywy: DSCN4263
slywy: DSCN4281
slywy: Bristol Renaissnace Faire
slywy: 8.24.2008 praying mantis
slywy: Art on Track
slywy: Diane Schirf at Morton Arboretum
slywy: Morton Arboretum
slywy: Promontory Point in autumn