slyght: wayne out the window of train to prague
slyght: wayne and zac on train to prague
slyght: train to prague via dresden
slyght: zac waiting for train to prague
slyght: wayne and sheesha
slyght: zac and sheesha
slyght: fuckua 03
slyght: fuckua 02
slyght: fuckua 01
slyght: last kremlin flag
slyght: berlin wall segment
slyght: old german bank sign
slyght: russian sign
slyght: checkpoint charlie 03
slyght: checkpoint charlie 04
slyght: tower
slyght: reichstag 10
slyght: reichstag 09
slyght: reichstag 08
slyght: reichstag 07
slyght: multi-bike
slyght: reichstag 06
slyght: reichstag 05
slyght: reichstag 04
slyght: reichstag 03
slyght: reichstag 02
slyght: reichstag 01
slyght: DB rent-a-bike
slyght: hauptnahnhof station 02
slyght: hauptnahnhof station 01