SluggoBear: Matt's Christmas morning masterpiece
SluggoBear: Aftermath
SluggoBear: Ready to board the plane
SluggoBear: Our cabin
SluggoBear: Mom plays Wii
SluggoBear: Wii! Suzanne vs. Elizabeth
SluggoBear: Wii! 4-person bowling tournament
SluggoBear: Wii! Mom vs. Dad
SluggoBear: Our multimedia center...
SluggoBear: Drinking (loaded) egg nog from a reindeer cup
SluggoBear: Snowball fight!
SluggoBear: Greetings from Shaver Lake
SluggoBear: It's a real BBQ
SluggoBear: A familiar face...
SluggoBear: DeShion & Amber watch gift-opening
SluggoBear: Presents!
SluggoBear: JoAnne opens gifts
SluggoBear: Gifts