Sluggo: original art
Sluggo: line tracing
Sluggo: second thoughts
Sluggo: phase I: outline ~ stencil application
Sluggo: phase I: outline ~ no going back
Sluggo: phase I: outline
Sluggo: phase I: outline
Sluggo: phase I: outline ~ swollen goodness
Sluggo: phase I: outline ~ finished
Sluggo: katzen tattoos a zombie v1
Sluggo: katzen tattoos a zombie v2
Sluggo: phase II color ~ stencil application
Sluggo: phase II color ~ one step at a time
Sluggo: phase II color ~ cleanliness is next to what
Sluggo: phase II: color
Sluggo: phase II color ~ seeing the light
Sluggo: phase II color ~ shiny happy keyhole
Sluggo: phase II color ~ blood is boiling
Sluggo: phase II color ~ tools
Sluggo: phase II color ~ skin on skin
Sluggo: phase II color ~ puffy swell
Sluggo: phase II color ~ green hell
Sluggo: phase II color ~ moving right along
Sluggo: phase II color ~ here we go...
Sluggo: phase II color ~ angry red ooze
Sluggo: phase II color ~ is it soup yet
Sluggo: phase II color ~ completion