Sluggo: just before the gates are opened
Sluggo: the wise try to flee...
Sluggo: ...any way they can
Sluggo: some stay for the delicious after-hours offerings
Sluggo: and others queue up for their drunken reward...
Sluggo: while yet others reach for a reward of another kind
Sluggo: some appear to succeed...
Sluggo: and others suffer grave defeat
Sluggo: the freakshow hits the streets
Sluggo: inebriated zombies in a roger corman flick
Sluggo: and johnny law is called in on horseback
Sluggo: to restore order
Sluggo: meanwhile, the quest for street grub goes on...
Sluggo: ...and on...
Sluggo: and soon, the streets of austin will be covered...
Sluggo: in a thick slurry of vomit and cigarette butts
Sluggo: but it's okay, 'cos this guy will be around to hose off the mess