Sluggo: sharon's new ink II
Sluggo: the finished product...?
Sluggo: sharon's new ink I
Sluggo: could ya...
Sluggo: and while we're at it...
Sluggo: i told you i would...
Sluggo: butt you didn't listen!
Sluggo: mutsuo at work
Sluggo: today's new tattoo
Sluggo: getting ink
Sluggo: matching peaches
Sluggo: koi leg
Sluggo: first ink: martin winces in pain
Sluggo: first ink: i'm a bad influence
Sluggo: katzen tattoos a zombie v1
Sluggo: bar spray
Sluggo: arm mouth mask
Sluggo: toolage
Sluggo: ooooch
Sluggo: rrr rrrrrr rrrrr rr rrrrrr rrrr, etc.
Sluggo: rise above
Sluggo: new ink