D. M. P. CAMERON: Old House at Binda
D. M. P. CAMERON: Binda window
D. M. P. CAMERON: Newtown window
D. M. P. CAMERON: Anzac Bridge
D. M. P. CAMERON: Anzac Bridge
D. M. P. CAMERON: Chippendale interior
D. M. P. CAMERON: Domestic Bliss 1
D. M. P. CAMERON: Viet-namese Temple Cabramatta
D. M. P. CAMERON: Domestic Bliss 2
D. M. P. CAMERON: Domestic Bliss 3
D. M. P. CAMERON: Harvey Ave, Plympton, South Australia
D. M. P. CAMERON: Old John, Bradgate Park, Leicestershire
D. M. P. CAMERON: Sixty three Mile Camp School, Many Peaks, Queensland
D. M. P. CAMERON: Dovedale Road, Leicester
D. M. P. CAMERON: Sydney Windows 1
D. M. P. CAMERON: Sydney Windows 2
D. M. P. CAMERON: Sydney Windows 3
D. M. P. CAMERON: Randwick Lodge, Randwick
D. M. P. CAMERON: War Memorial & Hyde Park Sydney
D. M. P. CAMERON: War Memorial & Hyde Park Sydney
D. M. P. CAMERON: King Street Service Station, Newtown, Sydney
D. M. P. CAMERON: Log cabin at the Under Pines Resort, Osieck, Siedlce, Poland
D. M. P. CAMERON: Sanktuarium Maryjne w Górkach (Shrine to St Mary at Gorki, Siedlce, Poland)
D. M. P. CAMERON: Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Fatimskiej, Sanktuarium Maryjne w Górkach (Church & Shrine to St Mary at Gorki, Siedlce, Poland)
D. M. P. CAMERON: Old dilapidated farm house near Gorki, Siedlce, Poland
D. M. P. CAMERON: Potockich Family Manor House, Łucznica, Siedlce, Poland
D. M. P. CAMERON: Typical Polish farm house, near Łucznica, Siedlce, Poland
D. M. P. CAMERON: Old farm house, Lipowki, Siedlce, Poland
D. M. P. CAMERON: A modern Polish farm house, at Osieck, Siedlce, Poland
D. M. P. CAMERON: Potockich Family Manor House, Łucznica, Siedlce, Poland