slowping: pc080590
slowping: "the Party's hoppin'! Get down here!"
slowping: Karen & Patrick
slowping: Tony!
slowping: Karen, Moses, Patrick
slowping: Ryan and Eric (aka Daddy)
slowping: "yeah, who's your Daddy?"
slowping: poor Alex, she didn't have a seat!
slowping: pc080601
slowping: pc080603
slowping: pc080604
slowping: Christine & Patrick
slowping: pc080610
slowping: pc080611
slowping: pc080612
slowping: pc080614
slowping: pc080616
slowping: tasting the chocolate beer
slowping: bottoms up!
slowping: here I am expounding on the virtues of the chocolate beer
slowping: "I dare you to drink that chocolate beer!"
slowping: "damn that's bitter and nasty"
slowping: pc080625
slowping: random shot of the tea light
slowping: pc080629
slowping: pc080631
slowping: pc080632
slowping: pc080633
slowping: Eric telling an engaging story
slowping: look how engrossed his audience is