SlowlyGlobal: Approximately $2.50
SlowlyGlobal: Never eating an Oscar Mayer again
SlowlyGlobal: Translation: YUM
SlowlyGlobal: Rock on
SlowlyGlobal: Creepy cool
SlowlyGlobal: We're on a bridge!
SlowlyGlobal: Charles Bridge v moon
SlowlyGlobal: Charles Bridge entryway
SlowlyGlobal: Charles Bridge
SlowlyGlobal: Prague astronomical clock
SlowlyGlobal: It slices, it dices
SlowlyGlobal: Tourist!
SlowlyGlobal: St. Nicholas Church
SlowlyGlobal: St. Nicholas Church
SlowlyGlobal: How Tom's Burgers does coffee
SlowlyGlobal: Stormin' the castle
SlowlyGlobal: A good panorama city
SlowlyGlobal: When architectural styles collide
SlowlyGlobal: In the old days they used symbols, not numbers, to mark houses
SlowlyGlobal: Downtown
SlowlyGlobal: Charles Bridge
SlowlyGlobal: Charles Bridge by day
SlowlyGlobal: Tourist!
SlowlyGlobal: To the west
SlowlyGlobal: From the top
SlowlyGlobal: St. Vitus Cathedral
SlowlyGlobal: Signs of fortress
SlowlyGlobal: Park with a view
SlowlyGlobal: Prague Metronome
SlowlyGlobal: Sk8te or die