sloalan: SWALLOWTAIL, ZEBRA (Eurytides marcellus) (09-13-2024) herky-huffman wma, orange co, fl -02
Atascaderosammcmillan: Looking Pretty
Atascaderosammcmillan: My favorite Bird Of Prey. Go Eagles!
kviking7: white dogtooth violet with Dutchman's breeches
Bill Bouton: Lark Bunting, Calamospiza melanocorys (Messy Molt)
Omnitrigger: Bokehlicious
Jack and Petra Clayton: Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis), Morro Bay, CA
Jack and Petra Clayton: Black Turnstone (Arenaria melanocephala), Northern Elephant Seal Colony, Piedras Blancas, Highway One, CA
Gregory "Slobirdr" Smith: Southern Carmine Bee-eater - (Merops nubicoides)
marlin harms: Northern Pygmy-Owl in the Nest Hole
jeffreymichaelbearce: Scott's Oriole
Arman Moreno: Cackling Geese
kmalone98: Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa), Williamson County, Tennessee
Atascaderosammcmillan: Sunset-Morro Bay, California
marlin harms: Idotea urotoma, Blunt-tailed Isopod or Shouldered Isopod
marlin harms: Diaulula sandiegensis, Ringed Dorid
marlin harms: Acanthodoris rhodoceras, Black-tipped Spiny Doris Going Away
Glenn Bartley - Snow Petrel (Pagodroma nivea)
Atascaderosammcmillan: Wild Horses of Mono County, California.
kmalone98: Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), Williamson County, Tennessee
alicecahill: Happy Autumn
Atascaderosammcmillan: Let's eat this fish
Steve Zamek: Generative Fill
catchlightdon: Remembering Svalbard #3
Dave_Lawrence: Short-billed(?) Dowitcher---Limnodromus griseus
Arman Moreno: Piping Plover
Gregory "Slobirdr" Smith: Pacific-slope Flycatcher (Empidonax difficilis)