squamlakessc: Andy Eaton assisting at Longhaul food table
squamlakessc: Bob Gosselin at crafts table
squamlakessc: Brett Ferry
squamlakessc: Chris Bird with guests and props
squamlakessc: crafts tables
squamlakessc: Dave giving mini talk
squamlakessc: Dom Irene Marocco and Carol Foley with hawks
squamlakessc: Eileen Gosselin assisting a guest
squamlakessc: Eileen Gosselin at crafts table
squamlakessc: Guests on trail
squamlakessc: hawk watch 2
squamlakessc: hawk watch
squamlakessc: Iain giving Osprey Track Talk
squamlakessc: Iain with osprey 2
squamlakessc: kids in basket
squamlakessc: Nance Ruhm with barred owl and guests