slkhan: Honfleur. France 1
slkhan: Honfleur, France 2
slkhan: Honfleur. France 3
slkhan: At the harbour - Honfleur. France 1
slkhan: At the harbour - Honfleur. France 2
slkhan: Sockey - Étretat, France
slkhan: Setting Sockey up for a shot - Étretat, France
slkhan: E - Étretat, France
slkhan: Axis & Allies - Sockey rolls
slkhan: Notre Dame - Bayeaux, France
slkhan: Headphones - Bayeaux, France
slkhan: Cheese plate
slkhan: Roast Beast
slkhan: Outside La Cahudiere
slkhan: Inside La Cahudiere
slkhan: Mt. St, Michel 3
slkhan: Mt. St, Michel 4
slkhan: Mt. St, Michel 5
slkhan: Mt. St, Michel 6
slkhan: Mt. St, Michel 8
slkhan: Bead stall, Marché aux Puces - Paris
slkhan: Marché aux Puces - Paris
slkhan: Arcades of Palais Royal, from our apt. - Paris
slkhan: Palais Royal apt. - Paris
slkhan: Sacre Coeur - Paris
slkhan: Bateau Lavoir, Picasso's studio - Paris
slkhan: Carousel at Sacre Coeur - Paris
slkhan: Tuileries - Paris
slkhan: Patisserie - Paris