slkhan: Sockey in Central Park
slkhan: Sockey at the MOMA, NYC
slkhan: Sockey in the Jazz Tent, New Orleans
slkhan: Sockey in the National Day (17 Mai) parade, Norway
slkhan: Sockey in Telemark, Norway
slkhan: Sockey at the airport
slkhan: Sockey relaxing in Glandore Bay, Ireland
slkhan: Camping with Sockey
slkhan: How Sockey gets around
slkhan: Sockey at the Tower of London
slkhan: Sockey with strawberry
slkhan: Sockey and demonic Mark
slkhan: The Green Gate B&B - Ardara, Co. Donegal Ireland
slkhan: Sockey at Salzburg Castle
slkhan: Sockey at the Hofbräuhaus, Munich
slkhan: Sockey in Wales
slkhan: Sockey in a kilt - Edinburgh, Scotland
slkhan: King Sockey at Holyrood Palace - Edinburgh, Scotland
slkhan: Sockey on the DART - Dublin, Ireland
slkhan: Sockey and his new Granada t-shirt
slkhan: Sockey in Ronda, Spain
slkhan: Sockey in the Gardens at Alcázar of Seville
slkhan: Sockey relaxing on the pier in Olhão, Portugal
slkhan: Sockey fishing in Alabama
slkhan: Sockey in Venice
slkhan: Sockey at the Colosseum - Rome
slkhan: Sockey in the apartment in Trastevere - Rome
slkhan: Sockey in Red Square
slkhan: Sockey visits Lenin
slkhan: Sockey - Étretat, France