Slingher: RSH in flight
Slingher: female shoveler
Slingher: female shoveler dabbling
Slingher: American Bittern
Slingher: Harrier in flight 2
Slingher: Harrier in flight 3
Slingher: GBH mating activity
Slingher: GBH Nesting activity
Slingher: GBH Nesting activity 2
Slingher: GBH Nesting activity silhouette 2
Slingher: GBH Nesting activity silhouette
Slingher: Red-shouldered hawk in flight
Slingher: Moorhen chase
Slingher: Northern shoveler flap
Slingher: glossy ibis coming in for a landing
Slingher: Marilynn the otter eating a siren
Slingher: Could this be Marilynn?
Slingher: tern w bass
Slingher: Marilynn the otter running across the road.
Slingher: Could this be Marilynn?
Slingher: Marilynn sleeping on the road
Slingher: Marilynn sleeping on the road 2
Slingher: Could this be Marilynn the otter 4
Slingher: Could this be Marilynn the otter 3
Slingher: Could this be Marilynn the otter 2
Slingher: Could this be Marilynn the otter
Slingher: Otter dirt bath 2
Slingher: Tree swallows swarming on tree
Slingher: Carl the green heron
Slingher: Carls headshot