Slingher: Bay Bridge and San Francisco skyline at night
Slingher: Low Down Dirty Snake in the Grass
Slingher: Symmetrical hummingbird copy
Slingher: Bay Bridge and San Francisco
Slingher: Osprey in flight w large fish 10
Slingher: tri-colored heron chick
Slingher: scrub jay BIF 3
Slingher: Never Give Up!
Slingher: Is this my best side?
Slingher: I can't believe I ate the whole thing!
Slingher: Delta IV launch 12_05_09
Slingher: caracara with black-bellied whistling duck egg
Slingher: baby turtle balancing act
Slingher: Atlas night launch 4_3_09
Slingher: Gator chomping on turtle
Slingher: Limpkin chick headshot
Slingher: Gator eating a turtle 3
Slingher: Red-shouldered hawk in flight
Slingher: bald eagle in flight
Slingher: Reflections of a frog
Slingher: Anna's Hummingbird 6
Slingher: least bittern in flight
Slingher: Love is in the air
Slingher: Surfing on a bass
Slingher: limpkin parent feeding chick
Slingher: Yikes!
Slingher: Sandhill crane chick feeding.
Slingher: Bald Eagle in flight
Slingher: hummingbird feeding 2
Slingher: Eye to eye