Slingher: egret flying silhouette and sun
Slingher: Never Give Up!
Slingher: Gator chomping on turtle
Slingher: Viera sunrise
Slingher: I Sat by the Lake...
Slingher: red-shouldered hawk close
Slingher: anhinga w fish
Slingher: sandhill crane eye
Slingher: Sunset in a camera
Slingher: Reflecting on the circle of life
Slingher: bald eagle in flight
Slingher: green heron at water level w fish
Slingher: Viera sunset
Slingher: anhinga w fish
Slingher: Eye to eye
Slingher: otter
Slingher: tricolored surrounded by blue
Slingher: hooded merganser
Slingher: duckling 2
Slingher: Nancy and photographer assistants
Slingher: scrub jay BIF 3
Slingher: sandhill crane chick
Slingher: A little salad, a little sushi...
Slingher: boater and sunset
Slingher: anhinga flipping fish
Slingher: green heron in flight
Slingher: anhinga w fish
Slingher: tri-colored heron chick
Slingher: Yikes!
Slingher: Atlas night launch 4_3_09