Ar~Pic: We are finally home, safe and sound.
Ar~Pic: Plentiful~Palms {Explore 10.19.10}
Ar~Pic: In baptism one returns to the state of creation ... when all humanity was unified. ~ L. MICHAEL WHITE
Ar~Pic: Caesarea קֵיסָרְיָה
Ar~Pic: Mt. of Beatitudes
Ar~Pic: Tel~Dan {Explore 10.21.10}
Ar~Pic: TelAviv~WindowView
Ar~Pic: pretty~sylvia {Explore 10.23.10}
Ar~Pic: "Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself."
Ar~Pic: passing~by
Ar~Pic: bridge ~
Ar~Pic: ~toys~
Ar~Pic: israeli~skies
Ar~Pic: Israel~port*view
Ar~Pic: Jerusalem Cross
Ar~Pic: ...the Jewish Thanksgiving is known as the "Festival of the Harvest". Other names of this festival are Sukkot, Festival of the Booths, Jewish Harvest Festival and Feast of Tabernacle.
Ar~Pic: ~ paradise ~
Ar~Pic: Masada
Ar~Pic: ~ David Ben Gurion ~
Ar~Pic: ~unopened~