Krista76: Stuck in traffic for 2 hours in PA on the way to Newark.
Krista76: Made it to Newark, made it to my gate.
Krista76: Emotional support otter for a very chatty 7 year old.
Krista76: Breakfast at the Munich airport
Krista76: Thank God C hauled a French press over in her carry on luggage.
Krista76: We made it! Dinner at Kuu
Krista76: Rummy, Helsinki train station. There’s been a lot of rummy on this trip.
Krista76: Rovaniemi Train Station
Krista76: Lunch: brasaeola and goat cheese po.
Krista76: Rovaniemi bus stop
Krista76: Reindeer crossing the road in front of us. This happened 4 or 5 times before we left Rovaniemi.
Krista76: At night, we happened to glance out our cottage window and see the reindeer carcasses being unloaded and hung. The farmer said they’d be butchering in 2 days time.
Krista76: The dogs were very supportive of this process.
Krista76: This wonderful guy was guarding us from a hummock when we woke up. He’s a working farm dog who helps with the reindeer.
Krista76: Omelette, fruit salad, and potatoes made by C.
Krista76: On the front door of our cottage.
Krista76: I must make one
Krista76: Lapland reindeer farm mosey
Krista76: Lapland reindeer farm mosey
Krista76: Lapland reindeer farm mosey
Krista76: Lapland reindeer farm mosey
Krista76: Lapland reindeer farm mosey
Krista76: The Arktikum
Krista76: At the Arktikum
Krista76: The Arktikum
Krista76: The Arktikum
Krista76: The Arktikum
Krista76: The Arktikum
Krista76: The Arktikum
Krista76: The Arktikum