Krista76: I'm-a do this.
Krista76: Learning to single-chain
Krista76: Meditation object
Krista76: Color therapy!
Krista76: First crochet project: yarn bag
Krista76: I like it, but that right edge didn't block quite right.
Krista76: stitch markers
Krista76: When you wander into a twee yarn shop with no real sense of what good yarn costs and things happen
Krista76: malabrigo scarf, beginning
Krista76: malabrigo scarf, deck crochet
Krista76: malabrigo scarf
Krista76: You won't mind if I pounce this yard, will you?
Krista76: Tying fringe
Krista76: Last day on campus for the semester.
Krista76: in which we get excited about yarn sales now
Krista76: Yarn ordering
Krista76: crochet pillow #1! In which I learn to add in colors.
Krista76: Yarn basket
Krista76: fall scarf in progress.
Krista76: Frogged back about six inches and learned that you have to pick this acrylic apart one bit at a time.
Krista76: Fixed! Three night of work in front of the TV.
Krista76: blocked red scarf = kitty red carpet
Krista76: Ripple pillow. Doing a stripe every morning.
Krista76: Upstate Fog ripple in progress
Krista76: there were no plain grey buttons, so these were the obvious solution
Krista76: pillowcase
Krista76: Nova Scotia yarn
Krista76: Nova Scotia Yarn
Krista76: learning to granny
Krista76: blanket to be