Krista76: Lunch
Krista76: First Tot Palace visit of the year with GR
Krista76: Cherry on top
Krista76: Icelandic Rotten Shark: a recipe
Krista76: Yarrow, lavender, rose buds
Krista76: Love the way this photo of my great-grandma's quilt worked out in my BFF's textbook
Krista76: Iced over on Jan. 12
Krista76: Frankenstein!
Krista76: Mew Cat and I in our Saturday morning finery
Krista76: Bottles!
Krista76: Gift from my teaching mentee
Krista76: First go at baked donuts: apple cider!
Krista76: Molasses Cleanup Supervisor is not as helpful as she'd like to think
Krista76: Tiny epazote forest
Krista76: we have our own black squirrel now
Krista76: Solo lunch: tomato soup, rye+cheddar melt
Krista76: Making face scrub
Krista76: Baked lemon glazed donuts
Krista76: Solo lunch: butternut squash soup, sourdough garlic toast from the freezer, sharp cheddar
Krista76: Laundry day!
Krista76: At Alto Cinco, waiting for B.
Krista76: Came home to a postcard from Dawn. Love that smiling cat with the dachshund body at the bottom.
Krista76: Solo lunch: quesadilla
Krista76: Grading companion
Krista76: The Invisible Man
Krista76: Masala and TimTams from JC
Krista76: Remembering what my friend SH wrote about the importance of views from the bathroom.
Krista76: In which Squeak discovers the masala that JC brought me from Australia.
Krista76: J and Squeak investigate the new cat tower.
Krista76: Not spoiled, not one tiny bit