Krista76: Thalia!
Krista76: Kitten, with head for proportion.
Krista76: I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha
Krista76: Thalia, afternoon light
Krista76: Thalia
Krista76: God forbid she be parted from her Jeff at any moment, especially when sleeping.
Krista76: Asleep
Krista76: Purple sheep pajamas, kitten, fire, movie.
Krista76: Shoulder snoozing
Krista76: The kitties think my shoulders should be slept upon.
Krista76: Completely, totally, dead asleep
Krista76: Proximity!
Krista76: Squeak
Krista76: Thalia, 14 weeks
Krista76: The kitten is obsessed with fire.
Krista76: Common sleeping posture.
Krista76: Squeak in her box during the evening news
Krista76: Of course, the palm pot also has an excellent view.
Krista76: Squeak in the palm pot.
Krista76: Falling Kitten is a fairly common sight around here.
Krista76: There's a big winter storm coming in, but for now there's still sunlight.
Krista76: Monkey-Bat.
Krista76: This looks like a placid kitten in the sun. In reality, it is a kitten who has fallen off the top of the chair and is trying to look like she meant to do that.
Krista76: Both of them want to sit on this plant.
Krista76: Reading.
Krista76: Squeak drives her box.